Monday, May 7, 2012

DTSB&Co in Jordan: Our day at the King's Academy

The Academy is an international boarding school outside of Amman.  It is quite an amazing facility  built as a major complex and educational think tank in 2007. It is surrounded by vast green gardens in the middle of the desert.  Every student speaks English, most are bilingual and the professors graduated  from top tier schools and Ivy's in the  the States.  Today we presented a lecture demonstration focused on introducing modern dance to the students while touching upon the cross disciplinary effects of creativity, as well as how art can build a positive self-identity.  Because so many students are from all over the world, identity whether it is tribal or national or  familial seems hyphenated.  Everyone somehow belongs to two or more groups.  The first question after our showing came from a freshman who asked, regarding the Palestinian crisis, if dance could be used to express and heal this situation.  I explained that many choreographers do focus specific works over their careers on political situations in order to voice the hope for resolution.  He was quite brave to want to know how art can create change in the world. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful. I can't wait to hear more and see some pictures!